3 Step Process to Get A Meeting With Anyone

Hey Persuaders! Persuasion is useless if you can't get a meeting with the person you need to persuade. Here is a 3 step process I've used to get 100+ meetings including getting to talk with 3 billionaires!

Have you recently pitched an investor? Or maybe you are struggling to even get a meeting. If so you aren’t alone. You are like the millions of other entrepreneurs struggling to raise funding.

In fact, only 0.7% of companies that seek venture capital successfully raise. That number is shockingly low.

Luckily for you, 75% of my clients have raised venture capital. Working with me literally gives you a 100x better chance of raising money. 

If you are serious about growing your business and building the next $1B+ company. Apply below, group coaching starts at just $795 + 0.1% equity.

3 Easy Steps to Get A Meeting with Anyone

1 - Write Down Your Network
This should include:

  • Everyone you emailed in the last year

  • All Twitter Followers

  • All LinkedIn Connections

  • All Phone Contacts

  • All Other Social Media Connections

Filter this down to everyone you can ask for introductions.

2 - Write Down Everyone You Want To Meet
Make a list of everyone that you want to meet.

If you are using these tips to raise venture capital, I’d recommend that you find 125 Venture Capitalists that are a perfect fit for your business based on:

  • Stage

  • Thesis

  • Strategy

  • Round Size

  • Geography

A million-dollar Banksy got investors 32% returns?

Mm-hmm, sure. So, what’s the catch?

We know it may sound too good to be true. But it’s not only possible, it’s happening—and thousands of investors are smiling all the way to the bank, thanks to the fine-art investing platform Masterworks.

These results aren’t cherry-picking. This is the whole bushel. Masterworks has built a track record of 8 exits, the last 3 realizing 10.4%, 35%, and 13.9% net returns even while financial markets plummeted.

But art? Really? Okay, skeptics, here are the numbers. Contemporary art prices:

  • Outpaced the S&P 500 by 131% over the last 26 years

  • Have the lowest correlation to equities of any asset class

  • Remained stable through the dot-com bubble and ’08 crisis

Got your attention yet? Offerings can sell out in just minutes but Persuade & Raise readers can skip the waitlist with this exclusive link.

3 - Build A Network Map
Use LinkedIn to map a path through your connections to each person that you want to meet. For the purposes of building a list of venture capitalists to meet, your map would look something like this:

BONUS - Accelerated Networking
For the top 3-5 people in your network that are the most plugged in and who you have a close relationship with before you do Stage 3, I’d recommend sending them the list you made at Stage 2. You may get lucky and those 3-5 people may be able to make 3-5 introductions each saving you the effort of trying to network your way to 9-25 different people.

BONUS #2 - Use Twitter
Everyone from Barak Obama to Elon Musk is on Twitter. Comment on their tweets, engage, provide thoughtful replies and it’s surprisingly easy to build connections. I’ve met many great people through Twitter. If you are targeting someone just set your notifications so you see each time they tweet, for 2-3 weeks reply to each tweet ASAP, let them get to see your face in their notifications, then drop them a DM. If it’s well written you’ll get a reply.

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Who is the most famous person you’ve had a business meeting with? Reply Now to let me know.

“Net Return" refers to the annualized internal rate of return net of all fees and costs, calculated from the offering closing date to the date the sale is consummated. IRR may not be indicative of Masterworks paintings not yet sold and past performance is not indicative of future results. See important Regulation A disclosures at masterworks.com/cd.