How To Nail The First 30s Of Your Pitch

Hey Persuaders!

Last week, I got 20+ emails from readers (like you) who had big wins after buying my course. This week, I will screenshot some of those wins and explain the strategies they used in more depth so that you can mimic them.

How To Nail The First 30s Of Your Pitch
Read time 2.0 minutes.

We’ve previously talked about the importance of framing your perspective. You need to tell investors how to look at your company and contextualize your pitch before you dive in.

This reader said the examples really helped them actually execute this concept. Here are two examples so you can see how the best companies open their pitch with a killer first 30 seconds. (These are scripts of what to say, not what is on the slide).

Example 1:

When was the last time you voted? Did you know every candidate on the ballot? Did you know all their policies?

Democracy has become complex. Most Americans no longer know who they are voting for; they pick all Democrats or all Republicans at the polls.

If someone could create a platform that connected voters directly to candidates, allowed candidates to share their policies, answer questions, jump on calls, and send polls, they would completely revolutionize democracy, not only for Americans but for all 1.9B citizens in democratic countries.

Just imagine a Congressman sending a poll out to his constituents to gauge their views before walking into a vote in Congress. 

Soon this will be a reality as we revolutionize the $207B politics industry.

Sandhill Markets is the “Robinhood for Pre-IPO Startups”, letting investors get into private deals like Stripe, Databricks, Discord, Anduril, Neuralink and OpenAI. Investing in these blue-chip startups typically involves $100k+ minimums and up to 20% in fees or carry. Sandhill lets you invest as little as $5k with 0% fees.

Example 2:

Do you own an EV? If so, I’m betting it’s a Tesla. They currently account for just over 65% of all EVs in the United States.

Why is that? Yes, there is a first-mover advantage, but it’s not that simple.

Owning a Tesla is an experience, from a mobile app that allows you to track the charge, service, location, temperature and more of your car to the massive supercharger network allowing you to easily charge at any time.

Owning another EV isn’t so great. If we’re being honest, you just have a gas car with an electric motor. No connectivity, no charger network. These drivers need to download numerous different apps to use different charging stations and still interact with their car the same way as a regular car owner despite the vehicle’s advanced inbuilt computer systems.

If you want to truly accelerate the adoption of EVs, you don’t just need to drop electric engines into gas cars; you need to give people the EV experience that has them lining up for a Tesla.

That is what we do.

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Onwards and Upwards,

P.S. Are you ready to take the next step in raising venture capital for your company? If so, you can book a 1:1 strategy call with me to help get you going in the right direction!

PPS If you are not already, follow me on Twitter, where I share tips and tricks for fundraising daily.

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